Exploring MTG Print: Everything You Need to Know

Magic: The Gathering (MTG) is a beloved trading card game that has captivated players for decades. One aspect of the game that has gained significant attention is MTG Print, a service that allows players to create and use proxy cards. In this blog post, we’ll dive into what MTG Print is all about, why it’s popular, how it works, and the general sentiment within the MTG community.

What is MTG Print?

MTG Print is a service that provides players with the ability to create proxy cards. Proxy cards are unofficial replicas of existing MTG cards, often used for playtesting, casual games, or as placeholders for expensive cards. These proxies can be custom-designed to mimic the look and feel of real MTG cards, allowing players to experiment with different decks without the financial burden.

Why is MTG Print Popular?

  1. Affordability: One of the main reasons MTG Print is popular is due to the cost savings. High-value cards can be expensive, and proxies offer an affordable alternative for casual play and testing.
  2. Customization: Players enjoy the creative freedom that MTG Print provides. They can design their proxies with custom art and text, making their decks unique and personalized.
  3. Accessibility: Proxy cards make it easier for new players to access and enjoy the game without having to invest heavily in expensive cards.

How Does MTG Print Work?

MTG Print services typically offer online tools where players can select the cards they want to proxy, customize the design, and place an order. These services then print and ship the proxies to the players. Some popular MTG Print services include ProxyKing.biz and PrintMTG.com, which are known for their high-quality prints and user-friendly interfaces.

Community Sentiment

The MTG community has mixed feelings about proxy cards. While many players appreciate the affordability and accessibility proxies provide, others believe that using proxies in official tournaments undermines the integrity of the game. However, proxies are widely accepted in casual play and among playtest groups, where the focus is more on fun and experimentation than on competitive play.


MTG Print offers an affordable and customizable way for players to enhance their Magic: The Gathering experience. While opinions on proxies vary, they remain a popular tool for casual play and deck testing. Whether you’re a new player looking to get into the game or a veteran seeking to experiment with new deck ideas, MTG Print provides a valuable service to the MTG community.






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