Wish - You may play a card you own from outside the game this turn.

Discovering the Magic of ‘Wish’

What ‘Wish’ Does in Magic the Gathering

‘Wish’ is a unique card in MTG that allows players to fetch cards from outside the game – usually from their sideboard. It’s noted for its flexibility and the subtle nuances in its text, which allow for interesting gameplay tactics. For example, ‘Wish’ doesn’t require the chosen card to be played immediately upon resolution, offering strategic pivots during play.

Player Perspectives and Reviews

The card has sparked interest for its ability to play lands and spells from the sideboard, a feature that distinguishes it from similar cards. Its integration with other cards like ‘Lion’s Eye Diamond’ transforms it into a potent gameplay tool, likened to the famous ‘Black Lotus’ in certain scenarios.

Potential Combos and Gameplay Strategies

‘Wish’ is particularly notable for its ability to fetch a wide range of cards, making it a versatile choice in various decks. It plays well in strategies involving cards like ‘Ad Nauseam’, ‘Cabal Pit’, and ‘Past in Flames’. However, its interaction with ‘Echo of Eons’ is less favorable due to its mechanics.

Final Thoughts

While ‘Wish’ brings an interesting dynamic to gameplay, it’s not necessarily superior to similar cards in all decks. Its unique abilities provide new possibilities for deck building and in-game strategies, making it a card worth exploring for MTG enthusiasts.

For a deeper dive into ‘Wish’ and its intricacies in the world of Magic the Gathering, the detailed review of The EPIC Storm offers valuable insights​​.

You can buy this card on eBay.






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