MTG Shopping Cart

Explore Realms

Please help us by exploring our realm to help find your needs to better your journey!

Future Expansions that can be done

  • Integrate sales from this shopping cart into Quickbooks.
  • Integrate sales from this shopping cart into your point of sale.
  • Adding a calendar for displaying tournaments.

Please fill out this survey below to help us help you!

Shopping Cart Survey
Business Address
Business Address
So I can follow up with you in case I have a question. Or you can just enter a bogus email address if you like. Your email will be kept private.

Responses to the Form Already

What would your customers like to see in this shopping cart? Ask them!

  • To be able to search for specific cards from anything (title, card type, flavor text, etc.)
    • Done!
  • I’d like to see card combos on the website.
    • Done!
  • Add tournament rules stating which cards can be used in which tournament like modern, standard, etc.
    • When applicable individual cards have links to rulings and which tournaments they are allowed in.
  • Have online calculators to determine how much and what type of land I need for building a deck.
    • Done!
  • Can we buy online-only cards like for Magic The Gathering Arena?
    • Good question! We have the images for it but are unsure whether or not this can be done. We are looking into doing this.

What do you currently not like about your current shopping cart?

  • My current shopping cart selling cards is too expensive.
    • Yes! By having your own website there is no selling fees.

What problems do you have with your current shopping cart?

  • Our shopping cart is buggy, it doubles orders for orders over 100 cards.
    • We’ve tested our shopping cart and this is not a problem.
  • Our shopping cart forces us to use their prices and we cannot edit that.
    • You will be able to set your own prices. A price guide will already be in place for each card. You will be free to change any price you want and choose a sample price guide for your shopping cart. It has been determined that the shopping cart that does this runs off of one main shopping cart on their server which prevents you from changing your prices. This makes it simple for them to make updates to the shopping cart since they only have to do this once but it has obvious drawbacks as well such as not being able to change your prices. Another drawback is that they all go down if their shopping cart goes down. You will have your own shopping cart that we will update with new cards individually. Instead of updating one shopping cart and taking care of it all like our competitor, we will have to update cards on ALL of our customers’ shopping carts. This makes it better for you but more work for us which we don’t mind!
  • The shopping cart we use crashes from time to time again.
    • The most likely reason for this is that their shopping cart supplies the information to all of their customers’ shopping carts which provides quite a strain on their web hosting server. We will be avoiding that by setting up individual shopping carts for each of our customers instead of relying on one main shopping cart.

What do you wish you could do with your current shopping cart?

  • In our current shopping cart, we had to enter our card images with camera recognition software that was not always accurate and it was faster to type them in manually. We would like to avoid this.
    • Done! We are adding the card images for you. All you have to do is enter the quantity of each card you have.

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