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Card Game Industry News – Latest Updates, Expansions, and Trends

As a business owner with a keen interest in the card game industry, staying updated on the latest news, expansions, and trends is essential. Here’s a list of reliable sources and articles that will help you keep your finger on the pulse of the card game world:

1. Industry News Websites

Check out dedicated industry news websites like ICv2, BoardGameGeek, and Tabletop Wire. They cover a wide range of card games and industry updates.

2. Game Announcements

Keep an eye out for announcements of new card games and expansions. Major publishers like Fantasy Flight Games, Wizards of the Coast, and Asmodee often share exciting news about their releases.

3. Kickstarter Campaigns

Many innovative card games launch on Kickstarter. Websites like Kickstarter’s Tabletop Games Section can help you discover upcoming projects.

4. Gaming Conventions

Follow updates from major gaming conventions like Gen Con, Essen Spiel, and PAX. These events often feature announcements and previews of new card games.

5. Trends and Analysis

For in-depth analysis and insights into industry trends, articles from market research firms like NPD Group can be valuable.

6. Designer and Publisher Interviews

Interviews with game designers and publishers provide a behind-the-scenes look at the industry. Websites like Dice Tower often feature these interviews.

7. Social Media and Forums

Engage with the card game community on platforms like Reddit’s r/boardgames and Twitter, where designers and players share news and insights.

By regularly exploring these sources and articles, you’ll stay well-informed about the broader card game industry. This knowledge can be invaluable for your business and your personal interests in the world of card games.






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